Thanks to Diane Rossbach for coordinating our storytelling venue.
Time | Session | Name | Description |
10:30 AM | The girl who stood up... | Dianne Rossbach | A tale about independent thinking… |
11:30 AM | Wide Eyed Again | Armando Ortega | |
12:30 PM | Guys and Ghouls | Walter Sala | Walt's telling it like it is… or at least like it could have been. Some say these are wisdom stories. Come prepared for the lighter side of stories with a moral. |
1:30 PM | Tales of Enchantment | Cynthia Dobson | Stories with local flavor…from New Mexico… |
2:30 PM | Can you hear me now? | Brenda Hollingsworth-Marley | Also known as Story Songbird Woman, Brenda tells and sings tales from around the world using musical instruments, dance, song, puppets and a love of traditional languages and cultures. Skilled in the Chautauqua form, she assumes the persona of historical figures such as Rosa Park , Coretta Scott-King, Lena Horne, Marian Anderson, and Billie Holiday. Puppetry presentations include Opera Woman, Goatie, Princess Penelope Puddingshire, and others. She specializes in African, African-American, Native-American, Caribbean, spiritual & humorous yarns. Brenda offers numerous special productions and workshops and is a member of the New Mexico Humanities Council, STNM & the National Association of Black Storytellers. She tells stories appropriate for all ages. |
3:30 PM | It Moves! | Elaine Muray | These are folktales you won't forget! |
4:30 PM | Islands, Forests and Gardens | Scott and Johanna Hongell-Dharsee | Travelling ballads from the masters of music and interpretive storytelling. They bring ancient tales and wondrous music to our venue. Stories, music, movement….told, interpreted, sung, translated and shared. |